Thursday, June 21, 2012

"Thank You"

By : Simple Plan

I thought that I could always count on you,
I thought that nothing could become between us two.
We said as long as we would stick together,
We’d be alright,
We’d be ok.
But I was stupid
And you broke me down
I’ll never be the same again.

So thank you for showing me,
That best friends can not be trusted,
And thank you for lying to me,
Your friendship and good times we had you can have them back


I wonder why it always has to hurt,
For every lesson that you have to learn.
I won’t forget what you did to me,
How you showed me things,
I wish I’d never seen.
But I was stupid,
And you broke me down,
I’ll never be the same again.

So thank you for showing me,
That best friends can not be trusted,
And thank you for lying to me,
Your friendship the good times we had you can have them back

When the tables turn again,
You’ll remember me my friend,
You’ll be wishing I was there for you.
I’ll be the one you’ll miss the most,
But you’ll only find my ghost.
As time goes by,
You’ll wonder why,
You’re all alone.

So thank you for showing me,
That best friends can not be trusted,
And thank you for lying to me,
Your friendship and good times we had you can have them back.

So thank you, for lying to me,
So thank you, for all the times you let me down
So thank you, for lying to me,
So thank you, your friendship you can have it back

21 Juni 2012 Hari dimana aku merasakan rasanya sakit hati

Ketika suatu yang engkau nantikan,
Terkadang engkau terbayang - bayang
bagaimana seandainya.........
Dan momen itu adalah momen yang paling bahagia
di mana kita bebas buat berharap
Tapi terkadang sebuah harapan itu
benar-benar cuma PHP
uhhhhhh!!! rasanya......
skit banget.
Ga cuman itu aja,
sebagai cewek..
perasaanlah yang main
kecewa, sakit, bingung campur aduk jadi satu
paling-paling nangis
senjata andalan cewek kalo udah kayak gitu
huft, bingung juga memang

Sebuah pengaharapan yang benar-benar kosong itu
ihhhhh!! nyebelin!
paling-paling hati itu dongkol-dongkolnya
otak cuman bisa ngerutuk diri sendiri
huh! dasar ya..

memang manusia itu bebas berharap
tapi Tuhan-lah yang tetap menentukan
karena Tuhan yang tau mana yang terbaik buat diri kita

Mengandalkan logika dalam hal seperti ini memang sulit
seringnya kita terhanyut dalam pikiran masing-masing
yang bergelanyut dalam hati yang udah engga karuan
Yah, semua itu butuh pengorbanan

Jika ingin mendapatkan sesuatu maka korbankanlah sesuatu
Semua itu merupakan cobaan dari yang Maha Kuasa
Tergantung kitanya yang mampu melaluinya atau tidak
dan semua itu memang ga pernah mudah

Haha mungkin Tuhan-lah yang mengerti bagaimana seharusnya kita
Tapi terkadang kita hanya menuruti apa yang nafsu inginkan saja

Sunday, June 10, 2012

How to Post Newly-Published Articles on Facebook

Share this Blog Entry: [EzineArticles Facebook Fan Page] An RSS feed is one of the most versatile tools for presenting a regularly-updated content stream online. In a recent post, we shared some powerful ways to use your auto-generated Expert Author RSS feeds (aka Really Simple Syndication) for your benefit. The flexibility of RSS makes it perfect for sharing your articles on your own website. Plus, you can also input an RSS feed URL into an RSS reader to follow the published works of a single person or an entire niche. One of the things we skimmed over in that post and want to revisit now is how easy it is to incorporate your Expert Author feed into other sites, like Facebook. We want to revisit it because it can help you reach an audience that you may have overlooked, and it’s pretty simple. There are a few options when it comes to posting your Expert Author feed to your personal/business Facebook page. The first option, which we use for the EzineArticles Blog RSS feed on Facebook, involves adding an RSS application to your account to automatically post a status update when new articles or posts are added to the feed. Another option is to import the RSS feed through the “Notes” feature. We’ll cover both in this post. RSS App for Facebook* You have the option to use an RSS App to display your Expert Author feed on Facebook. This process automatically updates your Facebook status with the details of your new posts. Here are a few apps we’ve found that work to this end: RSS Graffiti Social RSS Simply RSS To find these Facebook Applications, type them in the top search bar on Facebook and select them from the dropdown box. The set-up process for each varies, but be sure to have your Expert Author feed URL handy. That will certainly be required to set up each of them. This process through Facebook serves a similar purpose to the tweeting newly-published articles feature we offer for Twitter users directly from your member interface. With no extra effort on your part, your friends and followers can be alerted when you have new content to share with them. The difference is that the RSS app takes a few extra steps outside the EzineArticles member interface. Importing External RSS to a Note* With the “Notes” application, you can quickly and easily import an external feed that automatically updates in the form of notes on your wall. Instead of using an app created by an outside group, this process pulls the feed into the “Notes” app. To set this up for your personal Facebook profile: Go to the “Notes” application page on Facebook. (Must be logged in.) From here, you’ll see a list of notes written by you and others in chronological order. On the left side of the page under Subscribe, click the “Edit import settings” link. Access your Expert Author feed through your Expert Author Bio and enter it in the “Web URL” entry box. Click the “Start Importing” button.

Building Your Brand as an Expert Author Share this Blog Entry:

[Branding is an essential part of article writing] 6 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Personal Brand A real challenge faced by many article writers in today’s competitive market is choosing how to develop a personal brand. And no, I’m not talking about the type of branding Stuart is about to undertake in today’s cartoon. I’m talking about your identity as a writer and as an expert. This includes things like your stance on: Formal vs. Informal Writing – In some cases, a formal style makes more sense, like if you are describing how to do something. Other times, you’ll have an easier time building rapport by writing informally, like how you would in conversation. Check out this post on developing your own style. What You Say in Your Resource Box – Your Unique Selling Proposition (a.k.a. USP) should always be clear and correlated to the content you just shared in the article. It’s up to you to narrow down your USP to something with a true value you can provide. The Links You Include in Each Article – Do you have an appropriate link to share that directs people to a company website, product page, personal blog, etc.? How to Incorporate Social Media into Your Writing – There are a wide range of ways you can use social media to boost your effectiveness as a writer. Whether you’re using it to teach yourself how to write more concisely (like with a 140 character limit) or you want to keep your business clients and acquaintances up-to-date on the articles you’ve written, getting started with social media is one way to help yourself out. Striving for Quality – Do you ever let the quality of your work suffer by focusing on the quantity of articles you’re writing and trying to write more? How Focused You Are with Your Expertise – Do you write on a wide range of topics or do you try to stick to topics in your niche? By separating your writing style from other authors, you create an identity as the go-to person for information on _________________. (fill in the blank with your primary niche) Now, that doesn’t mean you have to make a joke in every single article (to be informal) or that you can’t write the occasional article on a topic outside your primary niche that you find particularly interesting. After all, the jokes can get old if the articles themselves aren’t oozing with great, reader-driven content. Writing outside your primary niche can show your readers that you are well-rounded and that you’re willing to expand your expertise. In the end, your unique combination of expert knowledge and writing skills will guide you through how to answer each of these questions best for yourself and … voila! Suddenly you’ll be building your brand as an author without even thinking about it. The next step is to get writing!

Top Spelling Blunders Part II Share this Blog Entry:

[Payed Invoice] It’s spreading! Run for your grammatical lives! While emoticons and text-speak have their place in the instant messaging world (e.g. LOL b4 u go dont u hve 2 rite ur arcles? :P), readers don’t warm-up to it in articles. Good grammar and correct spelling are paramount to your success as a credible author. That’s why we collected the most common spelling mistakes in order to help you maintain your credibility and build confidence in your writing skills. Let’s get to it: Here are your next 5 spelling blunders you can include in your proofreading checklist to assure your credibility is untarnished! Payed vs. Paid It may be argued that payed is acceptable due to its traces to Middle English (between the 11th and the late 15th century). However, if we were speaking Middle English, we’d still be using thou and thy. The confusion often occurs when you try to form the simple past by adding a d or ed to the root of a regular verb (e.g. collect becomes collected). The word pay is not your everyday verb. Pay is an irregular verb or a verb that doesn’t follow the standard conjugation. Bottomline: Pay becomes paid (past simple and past participle) and not payed. Example: I paid a visit to my neighbor and then I paid my bills. Key: Ease irregularity by putting pay in the past – drop the y and add an id to form paid. Withing vs. Within If you are scratching your head on this one, welcome to the club. Withing is the act of weaving stems or twigs twisted to form a rope called a withe. However, digging into the issue we discovered for every occurrence of withing, the author intended to use the word within (meaning: inside or indoors). Example: Inquire within. Key: Your article writing twin is within. Reoccurrence vs. Recurrence The correct word in this instance is recurrence, which means to happen repeatedly or to return. The mix-up lies in occurrence, meaning an incident or something that happens. To make an occurrence happen again and again, we need the prefix re. However, in proper English, we drop the o and the first c before we tack on the re, to form recurrence. Example: The lack of respect for the apostrophe is a recurrence I cannot bear. Key: Why enjoy it once? Drop the oc and make it a smashing recurrence! Doesnt vs. Doesn’t A contraction is the process of becoming smaller (or when a muscle becomes or is made shorter and tighter). In the English language, a contraction is commonly represented by an apostrophe, i.e. do not becomes don’t and let us becomes let’s. The correct contraction of the phrase does not is doesn’t. Doesnt isn’t an acceptable word in the English language. Example: He doesn’t have a pen. Key: Doesn’t it look good to use an apostrophe! Definately vs. Definitely Definately: This blunder is a surefire way to upset the grammar police. The correct word here is definitely, which means without a doubt or clearly and is often used for emphasis. Let’s break this down: Definitely The prefix de: down, away, completely, removal, or reversal (e.g. derail, decrease, defunct, defrost, etc.). Finite: having limits, the opposite of infinite. Finate: not a word. Example: He will definitely spell correctly in the future! Key: The ape ate the ite in definitely! Definitely stop the recurrence of these blunders: within, doesn’t, and paid! It has been said if you repeat something 7 times, you can commit it to memory. Commit these 5 words to memory by writing them down 7 times (correctly) and say each letter out loud as you write. That’s easy! There will be more spelling blunders over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out for our spelling keys to ensure your articles are error free. Doing so will increase your credibility and drive more traffic to your blog or website!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Miss u

perasaan ini sulit diungkap ketika sebuah nada berdentang di otak bergelora ria tapi entah apa sebuah angan melayang pada sosok itu sosok yang sempat kulupakan gerangannya sosok yang terkadang mengingatkanku pada hal-hal yang kulakukan ingin hati ini bertanya mungkin berharap tapi secuil dari diri ini menolak entah dengan alasan apa aku benar-benar rindu akan kehadirannya yang dulu menyelimutiku yang dulu menghangatkanku aku aku benar-benar tak ingin menghapus kenangan bersamanya aku tak kuasa awan mendung ini sudah tak kuasa menahan bebannya sudah sejauh ini awan telah tertiup angin dan akhirnya pun hujan turun turun begitu derasnya sampai entah kapan hujan itu akan berhenti

Jetlag - simple plan_2.mp3 - - penyimpanan dan berbagi-pakai file online - unduh

Jetlag - simple plan_2.mp3 - - penyimpanan dan berbagi-pakai file online - unduh